Tag Archives: authors

Second Thoughts

I didn’t get a lot of work done last week. I took a little break to read a new book from one of my favorite authors, Alex Bledsoe (it was great, by the way), but after I finished my reading I had trouble getting back to work. I think that a big part of my problem is that I am having second thoughts about both my character and my story.

Like I was saying last week, I would love to get some feedback about my story idea to see if it would be something that people would like to read. I’m still waiting. As for my character, I’m having trouble with the idea that a man would still be in such pain over his wife’s death as to be suicidal after twenty years. That just doesn’t seem very plausible, does it?

I was basing my character idea on the main character of the Lethal Weapon movies, Martin Riggs, played by Mel Gibson. He is so distraught by his wife’s death that he has trouble going on without her. He considers suicide, but is unable to actually pull the trigger. The only thing that keeps him going is his job as a detective, but even there his behavior clearly shows he has a death wish, as he continuously takes extreme risks that could easily get him killed.

The problem is that, with my character, he has had twenty years to move on and learn to live with it. You would expect that after that much time he would either have pulled the trigger or taken that one step too far and gotten himself killed. He wouldn’t still be pining away and sticking his gun in his mouth whenever he gets depressed.

So there goes my first scene. I was planning on opening the book with him having a nightmare about her death and reacting by reaching for his gun. Now I’m thinking that I should drop both the nightmare and the suicide attempt. I can open with him having a nightmare, but I don’t have to describe it. I can mention it, and leave the reader hanging as to what it was about. And I can work in something about his attempts at suicide as a reminiscence he shares with one of the other characters later on in the book. For now, I can simply get him up and moving towards meeting the rest of the cast.

So that’s what I’m working on now. I’m also rethinking how the whole University of Magic comes into play. I was planning on having the young mother he helps to get there be involved somehow, and I think that now I know how. They were going to be working on summoning spells, and maybe she could be involved by trying to contact her recently deceased husband.

I guess what I need to do is nail down how each of the major characters is going to fit into my story. The main character isn’t the only one that can have a story arc and learn something from their adventures. Maybe he can teach her how to deal with her pain. After all, he has been there himself.

As for my need for feedback, please leave a comment if you have something to share. Otherwise, maybe what I need to do is get back in touch with my writing group. I haven’t participated in several months, and maybe it’s time I check in and see how they are doing. I’m sure they could help me fill in the holes and brainstorm stronger plot lines.

That’s it for this week. See you next Sunday!

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Filed under The Writing Experience

WisCon Loot

WisCon was great. I learned a lot and had a great time. It was also exhausting. I actually skipped a couple of panels for the sole reason that my butt was getting sore. Instead, I found a comfy chair or couch to rest my laurels on for a while, and then it was back at it!

My wife gave me an allowance of $200 for the convention, but I went way over. I took that much in cash with me, and ended up getting another $100 on Sunday, but that didn’t last either. I also used plastic for some of my spending, so yeah, way over my limit.

Here’s a list of most of the things I bought this weekend (I won’t count food, although that was a big part of it):

  • Pocket watch – this is for the steampunk outfit I am trying to put together. It’s a really nice, wind-up timepiece. And of course, when I got home I discovered there’s no pocket on my vest. Doh!
  • Several small, brass-colored charms. I’m thinking of polishing them and making army-type medals out of them.
    • Tree
    • Key
    • Bat
    • Anchor
    • Octopus
  • I picked up twenty ARCs (Advance Reader Copy) for a dollar each at the Gathering. My friend Zombie Joe “helped” me by handing me five that he recommended. In no particular order, they are:
    • Changeling, by Kelly Meding
    • More Than Midnight, by Brian James Freeman
    • Deadly Sting, by Jennifer Estep
    • Born in Flames, by Howard Hampton
    • Ruins, by Orson Scott Card
    • The Disaster Survival Bible, by Junius Podrug
    • Touch of the Demon, by Diana Rowland
    • Tarnished, by Karina Cooper
    • Desperate Days: Selected Mysteries Volume Two, by Jack Vance
    • Bad Medicine, Vol. 1, by Nunzio DeFilippis and Christina Weir (graphic novel)
    • Libriomancer, by Jim C. Hines
    • Dearly, Beloved, by Lia Habel
    • The Year’s Best Dark Fantasy & Horror 2012 Edition, edited by Paula Guran
    • Alien Diplomacy, by Gini Koch
    • Aristotle and Dante Discover the Secrets of the Universe, by Benjamin Alire Sáenz
    • False Memory, by Dan Krokos
    • Shivers VII, edited by Richard Chizmar
    • Full Blooded, by Amanda Carlson
    • Flying in the Heart of the Lafayette Escadrille, by James Van Pelt
    • Kindred and Wings, by Philippa Ballantine
  • I also bought several published books from the Dealer’s Room. Some were sequels from authors I have read before, while others were new things I saw this year and had to have. These are books that I will definitely be reading before next WisCon, while the ARCs may end up just gathering dust, like the ones I picked up last year.
    • The Mad Scientists Guide to World Domination, edited by John Joseph Adams
    • Dark Faith: Invocations, edited by Maurice Broaddus & Jerry Gordon
    • Treemaker, by Kater Cheek
    • Dayrunner, by Kater Cheek
    • Faerie Killer, by Kater Cheek
    • Lunatic Fringe, by Allison Moon
    • Hungry Ghost, by Allison Moon
    • Interfictions, edited by Delia Sherman & Theodora Goss
    • Interfictions 2, edited by Delia Sherman & Christopher Barzak
    • Couch, by Benjamin Parzybok
    • Ex Heroes, by Peter Clines
    • Midnight Blue-Light Special, by Seanan McGuire
    • The Lives of Tao, by Wesley Chu
  • And finally, I ordered the Chicago Manual of Style, 16th Edition, from Amazon during the con. It was delivered on Tuesday.

That’s about it. If any of you are interested in hearing my thoughts about any particular book, leave a comment below and I’ll try to move that particular volume up in my To-Read list. Otherwise, the only thing left for today is that I just put my name on the Magic Spreadsheet. If you don’t know what that is, you can either Google it, or wait for me to write a post about it sometime in the next couple of weeks.

That’s it for today. See  you on Sunday!

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Filed under About Me, Conventions, The Writing Experience


I started writing my first Broken story yesterday. I’m using a broken mirror for the focus. I’m also making it a Dirty Little Freaks story, but I haven’t figured out yet just how I’m going to be working that in. I’ve got a little over 500 words so far, and I’m going to have to ramp things up pretty soon or the story is going to fall apart.

The idea I’m considering for this is that there is either some kind of creature lurking behind the broken mirror, or some supernatural force is responsible for breaking the mirror, along with the mind of the prior tenant of the apartment where it is located. Either way, I see nasty things in the future for Miss Carson.

Speaking of Dirty Little Freaks, for those of you who, like me, are fans of Patrick Rothfuss, I’ve got some great news! He just announced on his blog that he will be releasing a sequel to his fantastic not-for-children’s book, The Adventures of the Princess and Mr. Whiffle. There is no set release date yet, he just says that it will be out late this year. However, you can pre-order it now. You can even pre-order a signed, limited edition copy. I would love to get it myself, but unfortunately my finances are a bit tight right now, so I will be waiting to order until they have an actual release date. Of course, this means that I won’t be getting the limited edition, but since the bearded one lives in the same state that I do I will probably be able to get it signed anyway. He may even be at OddCon next year, if my friend Zombie Joe has anything to do with it.

And that brings me to another topic. Joe is also one of the fantastic members of my writing group. We try to meet every Thursday to either write or to discuss our writing. Since I have been only working on short stories this year, and all of them are first drafts, I didn’t really want to share them with the group. This makes me feel guilty for not contributing, although most of them probably don’t mind, since there are still plenty of drafts that need critique without mine being added to the stack.

I also feel a bit anxious for feedback on what I have done. Many of the ideas seem good to me, but I would really like to hear what other people think as well. No matter how many stories I write, none of them count if nobody ever reads them.

So what I have suggested is that I share a few of my stories every month, and the group gives me feedback solely on the idea, to let me know if the meat of the story is worth the effort it will take to edit or expand it into something I can publish. Two of them have already told me that they are willing to do that for me, so I will be sharing some of my January work next month (our critique night is tomorrow, which is why I am not sending them out right now.

So that’s what I’m up to this week. I’m going to continue working on this broken mirror thing, and hopefully it will shake out in the end so that I can get it finished by Saturday. I’ll let you know on Sunday how it went.

In the meantime, here’s a question for you:

Imagine that you are being taken to a mental hospital and you only have time to say ten words to your therapist before they drag you away. What would they be?

See you on Sunday!

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Filed under The Writing Experience

Odyssey Con 13: Steer Trek

Today is the last day of Odyssey Con (or OddCon, for those who know it well). It was nice being able to spend some time connecting with my fellow geeks. The highlight, of course, was being able to spend three days with two of my favorite authors, Alex Bledsoe and Kevin Hearne. They signed some books for my collection, as well as a couple for my son Nate, who couldn’t make it this year.

I also entered the Spontaneous Writing Contest yesterday morning. Let me start by saying that it was definitely organized better than last year. The rules were that you had to sign up in advance to get a spot on the list, and then the first eight people (in registration order) that were physically present at 8:30 AM in the hotel lobby were given a flash drive. That drive contained an .RTF file with four lines of dialogue that had to be used in a story. Each contestant then had one hour to write their story and turn it in. I was fourth on the list, so I was assured a spot as long as I was there (and, of course, I was). The drives were each lettered, in order to keep the author anonymous and keep the contest fair.

Here are the lines of dialogue that we were given to work with.

“Not a one!”
“What!? Most of them never did anything wrong even on their own planet, let alone here.”
“You’re not hearing me, and I’m not going to say it again. Not. A. Single. One!”
“With all due respect, ma’m …”

We could alter them if we needed to, but any changes would count against us. Putting other text between the lines was no problem, though, and most of the authors (including myself) did so. I managed to write about 800 words in the allotted hour, and I felt pretty good about it. At least, until they posted the entries in the hallway for everyone to read. There were some nice stories there. And I overheard one of the judges talking to one of the other contestants about the merits of some of the OTHER stories. Needless to say, I began to have some doubts about my own work. My biggest worry was that, despite the reference to another planet in one of the lines of dialogue, I decided not to take the easy route and write a science fiction story about aliens from another world. Instead, I wrote about a murder investigation at a science fiction convention. It’s titled “A Killer Con”, and here it is, for your reading pleasure.

The trouble with these guys was that they seemed to think that the rules of normal society didn’t apply to them. To be fair, though, their own concepts of morality and ethics was sometimes a whole lot better than what the rest of us lived by. Still, there was a dead body in the hotel, and it was up to me to find out why.

“All right,” I said to the con rep that I had cornered, “we’re going to be here until I get some answers, so start talking.”

We had commandeered one of the rooms for the duration, in order to lock down the hotel until we had a chance to question the three hundred suspects that were still wandering the halls as if nothing had happened. The queen sized bed that took up most of the room distracted a bit from my interrogation techniques, but I tried to ignore it as we sat at the little work table in the corner.

“Well, like I told the officer earlier, we were just wrapping up the afternoon anime movie and as they left the room one of the kids complained to the AV guy about a nasty smell.”

“And nobody had noticed anything before then?”

“Not really. I don’t know if you have ever been to a convention like this before, but some of our attendees aren’t so good with personal hygiene, if you know what I mean.”

I grimaced. I couldn’t imagine going without at least a shower if I was going to go out in public. “Go on.”

“He went in to check it out, in case someone had gotten sick or something in there. And that’s when he found the body.”

His story checked out with what I had already gotten from the uniforms. “All right, so who was this guy?”

He shook his head. “No idea. I mean, his name was Jerry Dantillo, but nobody really knows him. He hasn’t been to the con before, and he wasn’t pre-registered. We think he was probably just some local guy who heard about the con and decided to check it out.”

“So nobody knows this guy, which means nobody has any reason to want him dead, is that it?”

“Not a one!”

I frowned. “That just doesn’t make any sense. You don’t get a nine-inch dagger through your heart without pissing someone off.” I planted my hands on either side of the little table and leaned over him. “I don’t really care what planet you guys think you’re from, but that sort of thing doesn’t fly in my town.”

Unfortunately, I had underestimated the sheer level of geekery I was dealing with. My intimidation technique was totally useless when he was more interested in my cleavage than my comment. I glared at him and sat back down in my chair, crossing my arms over my chest.

He looked up at my scowling face and flushed. “What!? Most of them never did anything wrong even on their own planet, let alone here.”

“Well, I’ve got a dead body that says otherwise. And nobody is leaving here until I find out who did it. So somebody had better start talking. Who here would think that this guy would be better off dead?”

“You’re not hearing me, and I’m not going to say it again. Not. A. Single. One!”

I threw up my arms in frustration. “Fine. Be that way. But this con is over. For good.”

“With all due respect, ma’m …”

I snorted. “Respect? You seem to have more respect for my breasts than for my job.” He ducked his head like a little boy caught with his hand in the cookie jar. “I’m trying to help you out here, but you’ve got to meet me halfway.”

He raised his head and looked me in the eye. “You don’t understand. We have a strict weapons policy at the convention. No real weapons are allowed. Ever. And we have a security staff that keeps an eye out for those things. They check every single costume to make sure nobody has any real blades, or guns, or whatever. There’s no way that knife would have gotten past them.”

I leaned back in my chair. “Well, then I guess that narrows down the suspects, doesn’t it?”

“What do you mean?”

“Vigilat qui custodem,” I said, getting up to open the door. “Who watches the watchmen? I need to speak to your security staff.”

His face blanched.

I ushered him out the door and gestured for one of the uniforms to join me. If I was right, there was no way I was going to be caught alone in a room for this interrogation.

Not too bad, right? Needs a little work, but most first drafts do. Especially ones that were written under a one hour deadline. But in the end, it wasn’t quite good enough, and I didn’t win. However, I may keep working on this story over the next week. I can extend it out, through the interrogation of the security guard  and on to the revelation of the killer and resolution of the mystery.

I’ll give you an update on Wednesday to let you know how it’s going. Until then, live long and prosper!

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Filed under Conventions, Submissions, The Writing Experience

Back in the Saddle Again

That’s right, I’m back! Today marked my first day writing in almost six months. The last time I wrote any significant amount was in January when I tacked on a lame ending to my last NaNoWriMo project. I thought it sucked, but it kind of wrapped up the story and I was getting tired of writing. I needed a break.

So the most I have been doing for the last several months was editing. I was tearing into the first draft of that project and I ended up editing the first seven chapters. By the time I got that far, though, I was feeling like the whole thing was going to need to be rewritten, and I just didn’t feel like working on it anymore. So I decided to stop editing too.

Of course, that meant I needed a new project. If I didn’t, I would feel like a waste of space at our weekly writer’s group. It was getting to be pretty pathetic telling my friends that I still didn’t have anything new to bring to the group. So I decided to buckle down and start working on something new. But I was also getting sick of getting a half-baked idea and running with it. It just wasn’t working out for me. So I had to do something about that as well.

Enter the outline! I decided that I was going to take the month of June to outline my next book. I still was going into it with a half-baked idea, but I thought that if I tried to use some of the outlining tips from the writing books on my shelf I might just be able to turn that glimmer of an inkling of a possibility of a story into a real, honest to goodness, viable plot. And lo and behold… it worked!

It didn’t quite turn out the way I planned. I had thought that I would follow the step by step plan for outlining that was laid out in one of my books, but by the end of the first week I found out that the author’s plan just wasn’t going to work for me. I needed to come up with something different. I’m not sure if my process is going to work for me in the future, but it seemed to pan out for me for this book, so I’ll probably try it again. I have been blogging about my efforts over the last month, so feel free to read back a few posts if you are interested in what it was that I did.

The end result, of course, is that I have a several short character sketches and a basic outline that will take me from the beginning of my book all the way through to the end. It just covers the main plot, and only gives me a general idea of what each scene will be, but I think that should be enough. The sparse nature of the outline will let me expand on anything that comes to me as I write, while still giving me a defined course along the way. The limited character sketches will also let me get to know the main characters (all four of them) as I go, and somewhere in there I’ll figure out how they can grow and learn by the end of the book.

I started writing today, July 1, and I wrote 733 words on my first day. I am participating in ROW80 again, and I am going to try to have the book finished by the end of the round. I’m not setting a daily goal for myself, just that I want to finish my first draft by the end of September. I’m looking forward to writing this book, and if I like how it turns out I may actually send it off to an editor when I’m done.

So I guess the moral for this post, kiddies, is that it’s okay to take a break once in a while. Just as long as you make sure to start writing again when the break is over!

Thanks for sticking with me, and I’ll see you later!


Filed under Fiction, ROW80, The Writing Experience

Making Sense of It All

Last week I spent a few days doing some brainstorming. I started with a What If question that led to another, and another, and another, until I had eighteen questions in all. Those eighteen questions gave me a basic plot outline, taking my characters from introduction to ending. Then I started filling in the blanks by asking more questions to help me refine and further define the original questions. That led me to a list of questions five pages long, and over 2000 words. Now I think I am ready to start answering at least some of those questions. But how do I do it?

I started by printing my list. And then, of course, I forgot it on my desk at work. So the plans I had for this weekend kind of went up in smoke. I suppose I could print it again at home, but I’m not into wasting paper, so I’m going to do what I can without the printout. I still have the file, so it’s not like I don’t have the list, it just means I have to either flip between programs or set up my second monitor in order to be more efficient. And I like to be efficient. That’s one of my own OCD characteristics, I guess.

Speaking of characteristics, one of the questions I had to ask in my brainstorming session was “What are the character’s personalities and interests?” I have really got to answer that soon, as I still don’t really know much about my characters. So, in an attempt to get started on that, I made a list of things I would like to know about each of my four main characters. It’s not much, but it’s a start. The list covers three main areas: History, Personality, and Interests. Here it is:


  • Parents:
  • Grandparents:
  • Siblings:
  • Other relatives:
  • Significant other:
  • Friends:
  • Enemies:
  • Wealth & Class:
  • Style of dress:
  • IQ/Grade:
  • Significant events:
  • Blessings:
  • Curses:


  • Wants:
  • Needs:
  • Strengths:
  • Flaws:
  • Character arc:


  • Hobbies:
  • Favorite classes:
  • Favorite books/movies/music:

As you can see, the list is fairly basic. The largest section is the character history, and a lot of that section asks who else is in their family. That part is probably going to be the hardest one for me to fill in, actually, as I have trouble giving names to my characters. To be honest, most of the names that I have chosen for my characters are actually the real life names of the models and actors that I chose as inspiration. I started with different names, but then I decided that it may be helpful to use real names to make the kids reading the story relate better to the characters. After all, if they know actual people with the same or similar names, maybe they wouldn’t think so much about the fact that it was written by someone four times older than they are.

I plan on spending the next week going through all of my questions and figuring out how to answer them. I’ll fill in any holes and trim out any unnecessary fat. And then I’ll see if I can figure out how to present all of that information in an exciting and entertaining way. The main thing is that I will have to make sure my writing makes the characters come alive and doesn’t leave the reader feeling like something was missing. Without, of course, making it seem like they just sat through a three-hour lecture.

Wish me luck. I think I’m going to need it.

My final thought for the day is that my attempt to follow the schedule in the First Draft in 30 Days book is a failure. I can’t say it is a complete failure, even though I didn’t get past the first week, because it taught me a lesson. The lesson is that the method doesn’t work for me.

Writers are individuals. Maybe even more so that most people, because they try to have a deeper connection with both themselves and others as they write. The purpose of telling a story is to connect with someone else, to share a piece of life, even if it isn’t real. And although there are many, many, many books giving tips on writing, in the end you have to pick and choose what works for YOU. If you don’t, you won’t get that connection with your reader because you haven’t really connected with yourself.

I’ll probably post again on Wednesday, so check back and see what I’ve been up to. I’m going to try to work out some of the details for at least one of my characters by then. See you then!


Filed under The Writing Experience

ROW80 and OddCon


  1. Spend at least half an hour every day on writing or editing, an hour on weekends
  2. Finish rewrite of Dragons At Dawn
  3. Post to my blog on the ROW80 update days (Sunday and Wednesday)
  4. Read at least one of my books on writing every week

I managed to work on my writing and editing up through Thursday, at least. Friday and Saturday were spent at OddCon, so not much work was done. I did, however, have a lot of fun at the convention, and came away with a lot of ideas and great advice from other authors and editors. I’m still plowing through Revision & Self-Editing by James Scott Bell, but I am only about halfway through it due to the other priorities. I’ll continue reading it and hope to finish by next Sunday’s report.

As I mentioned, OddCon was great. I won’t embarrass myself by posting pictures. My digital camera is about 15 years old and cost me more than my laptop, but compared to cameras today it is completely pathetic.

Here’s a list of the panels I attended:

  • Unhappy Endings
  • The Rules of Magic
  • Geek’s Delight
  • Whedonistas
  • What is the nature of magic in fantasy writing?
  • So you think being published is glamorous
  • Shapeshifting
  • Is there hope for the human race…or does it deserve to die?
  • Bookselling in the age of Amazon
  • Author reading – Sarah Monette
  • What the hell is Science Fantasy anyway?
  • Sex & the supernatural

As you can guess, it was awesome. I met quite a few authors, and the senior editor of Tor Books. The highlights for me were Geeks Delight, where we discussed our favorite SF authors of the 20th century (I added a lot of books to my To Be Read list during that panel); Bookselling in the age of Amazon, where we discussed the future of publishing and independent bookstores; and Sex & the Supernatural, where we discussed paranormal romance (and there were more men than women in the room).

The low point (you know there had to be one) was the Is there hope for the human race panel. It was supposed to be about writing about the apocalypse, but it turned out to be a lecture about mankind’s journey to self-destruction, and we didn’t discuss writing at all. The moderator (a non-writer) turned it into his own personal lecture on the subject and the two authors and the Tor editor on the panel hardly got a word in edgewise. Since my Dragons At Dawn novel is an end-of-the-world story I was very disappointed.

But overall, I had a great time and I am now even more excited about attending WisCon at the end of May. I managed to submit the first five chapters of Finding Valhalla for the writer’s workshop late Thursday night/early Friday morning. I applied for Margaret Ronald‘s group, and this weekend I managed to find three of her books in the dealer’s room, so I am going to try to read at least one of them before WisCon.

In other news, I also broke down and bought a Nook Color this weekend. So far I like it a lot, and hopefully my wife will also like it too. I told her it was something she could use more than me. I still can’t believe she actually fell for it! Actually, she probably knows my tricks by now and just said it was okay so I would shut up and leave her alone. Anyway, if anybody out there is a Nook user and wants to share books through LendMe, send me a DM on my Twitter feed (@BSRPG) and we’ll hook up.

That’s it for now. Time for me to get back to work on editing. I had a lot of ideas for Dragons At Dawn this weekend that I need to get down before they’re gone. See you on Wednesday!


Filed under About Me, Networking, ROW80, The Writing Experience

Pets and Writing

We just added a new member to our family. On Valentine’s Day we went to the pet store and picked out a black and white guinea pig. My wife has decided to call him Charlie. He’s about eight weeks old and so he is a bit nervous, but he is really cute and cuddly. Other pets in the house include a dark grey hamster with a white beard and feet named Smoky, and a bunch of fish: mostly swordtails and one huge plecostomus.

Because of this new addition I have had pets on my mind recently and I started thinking about how pets might affect an authors writing. If you look at the author biographies included in many books or if you follow any authors online there is a good chance that you will find that they have pets. And you may even find that they write about those pets in their books. Some of the writers that I can name that have pets and write stories including pets are Janet Evanovich and Jim Butcher.

It shouldn’t be surprising that many authors have pets. Pets can be wonderful companions, and writing is mostly a solitary exercise. Having a pet around can keep an author connected to life without being too distracting. They can give you love and affection without being judgemental. Even fish can help. Studies have shown that watching fish can lower your blood pressure. Since writing can certainly be stressful this is a  really good thing.

Pets can also be inspiring. The love that you feel for your pet can help you express strong emotions for your characters. You can write about love by tuning into how you feel about your pet. The death of a loved pet can help you express the grief your character may feel over a death of someone they care about.

So what do you think about this subject? Do you have pets? How do they fit into your writing life? Do you include them in your stories, or are they just there for moral support?


Filed under About Me, The Writing Experience

Using Twitter

To continue the Social Networking discussion I thought I would expand on each of the options listed in the prior post. We’ll start with Twitter. I’ll list some of the people and groups that I follow to give you an idea of how you can use it in a way that suits you.


Besides my friends and family, I follow several authors. Not all of them write in the same genres that I do. I follow them for several reasons. First, because they are authors so their tweets often give good advice or encouragement to me when I am struggling. Second, because a lot of them are independents I can get advice from them on self publishing. Third, just like in the job market, it helps to know people. If you can build a relationship with other published authors they will often help you when you are ready to promote your own book. And finally, several of them are local authors. We get together once in a while for write-ins and to discuss our work.

Local Authors

  • Zombie_Joe
  • Jesilea
  • Jamwes
  • WillRaboin

Genre  and Independent Authors

  • WickedLPixie
  • susan_bischoff
  • Momjeans1975
  • CristynWest
  • mercedesmy
  • CarolHoladay
  • andrewmocete
  • MichelleRowen
  • jenniferjoseph_
  • EllenMeister

Favorite Authors

  • jayewells
  • longshotauthor
  • ShannonKButcher
  • StaciaKane
  • kaitnolan


I follow several groups and businesses related to the writing field. Some are related to the genres I write, some are support networks for authors, and some are professional publishers or editors.

  • ParaYourNormal
  • NaNoWriMo
  • ScrivenerApp
  • awfulagent
  • AdviceToWriters
  • Style_Matters
  • byrcecullen
  • WritingSpirit

So my advice to you is to check the websites of your favorite authors and see if they have a Twitter feed (mine is @BSRPG). Do the same with some publishing companies. And post tweets about your own writing. The Twitter bots will use your content and soon authors and businesses will start following you!

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